Saturday, March 04, 2006

God Told Me To Do It

After Tony Blair's revelation about God on the Parkinson chat show (see tonight, ITV1)... I have penned this little ditty.

(intro - spoken)

In politics, like life, there is no turning back
And once you've let the people down, you're sure to get the sack
The road runs only forwards upon one single track
To bomb, or to negotiate? To talk or to attack?
To just say no to Uncle Sam, or to invade Iraq?


God told me to do it
Jesus talked me through it

When I had my doubts
And everyone said "wait"
I had chat with angels
And they told me it was Fate

God told me to do it
Jesus talked me through it

And when Hans Blix was looking
For those weapons in the sand
He provided Mass Distraction
And the Devil in Saddam

God told me to do it
Jesus talked me through it

So what could a man of conscience do
Except to kill and maim
Two hundred thousand people
In the Almighty's name?

God - told me - to do it...

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At 12:08 AM, Blogger Ellie quoth...

Love it. Maybe you could compose one for Ken Livingstone too?

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Mom101 quoth...

I was just breezing through blog explosion and found you...and this is really good! And lord knows you don't expect much from surfing blogs there.

Rock on.


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